We’re on the home stretch, with a viable route to take out seven of the eight visionaries in a single day. Now, the only one we have left to track down is Juliana herself. And once that’s done, we can finally close out the DEATHLOOP.
It’s time to end this once and for all.
Thumbnail by Sam Callahan.
There were a lot of people who had negative reactions to the big twist we uncovered during our investigation into Juliana, namely that she is Colt’s daughter. Maddie Myers from Polygon talked about it in her piece on why she hated the story and the ending, despite loving the game itself. I want to say off the bat that those opinions are valid and I do not wish to take away from them.
However, I did not have that same takeaway. I don’t think this is a fantastic story, but it works for these characters and the world they inhabit. Juliana has been harboring a grudge against Colt for what might be an ungodly long amount of time as she’s learned to take joy in fighting him both verbally and physically. Even if Colt had a good reason, he still murdered his daughter in order to break the loop, and she had to feel it happen. It’s only natural that she’d fuck with his head every chance she got.
And part of why she feels comfortable doing this over and over is because there are no true consequences in the loop. Once the loop is gone, she just doesn’t have it in her to keep going anymore. There are a couple of layers to the relationship to unpack, and I find that’s pretty cool.
Halo is also pretty cool. And next week, we’ll be jumping into the new campaign. I look forward to having no idea who any of the new people are since I never played Halo Wars 1/2 or Halo 5.
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