At last, we have completed the tutorial and mastered the basic mechanics at play with Deathloop. Now it’s time for us to begin our investigation in truth to identify the method by which we will assassinate all of the Visionaries of the loop in a single day.
Something you’ve probably already begun to notice is that with the exception of Juliana, all of our targets are thoroughly unlikeable people. Some more than others, but all of them have a personality quirk that makes them insufferable. For us, the player, that merely makes it all the sweeter to take them out.
Additionally, we’ve finally started to discuss the big campaign. Although we have as much time as we need during each phase of the day, we only have four phases in which to operate: Morning, Noon, Afternoon, and Evening. If we only kill a single target during each phase of the day, we’ll only have enough time to take out half of them.
For us, that means we need to figure out ways to take out multiple targets during the same “phase”. We’re already making progress in that direction, by uncovering Charlie and Dia’s secret meeting and the way to get Egor into the party with Alexis. But as you’d expect, there are complications that arise from each of those solutions that must also be accounted for.
And to top it off, we still know nothing of how to take out Juliana. Though we can see the puzzle coming together, we still need to continue investigating if we wish to arrive at the perfect day.
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