Ezio needs allies within the Sultan’s court, so let’s be as charismatic a bard as we can be.
Cheers to the Ubisoft dev team, for this mission is aimed at exactly me. I am the man punching bards when they annoy me in the streets of Florence, Venice, and Rome. And I will happy beat them up, take their uniforms, and sing embarrassing songs about them at a rich guy’s party. Even better, I’m pretty sure Ezio is reusing Minstrel animations from those games when he’s singing.
For all my gripes with how they handled the Ezio trilogy, this is the kind of mission that can only be done when there’s a history to work with. It is only possible because we’ve had two previous games with Ezio to draw upon as reference material prior to Revelations. And since this the last game we’ll make use of the character, there’s no better place to cache in on that potential.
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