Our adventures in the frigid European countryside continue as we explore Castle Dimitrescu, accosted by its grotesque hosts. With powers and abilities beyond ordinary people, it seems likely that we spell our own doom.
However, perhaps our abductors are not as invincible as they may seem. With a bit of trickery and resourcefulness, perhaps David Phillips and I can turn the tide.
Thumbnail by Sam Callahan.
Something I’ve noticed in the way I play Resident Evil: Village, compared to my previous playthroughs of the remakes of 2 and 3, is increased confidence in the way I’m playing. A lot of that has to do with the systems I’m working with now. In those games, a single zombie was something to be taken a threat. By comparison, I am now engaging in knife fights with groups of 3 enemies at a time.
Even the lycans that I began the game dreadfully afraid of have already begun to lose a bit of their punch. They’re still dangerous, but with my pistol and shotgun we’re doing a fair job of dispatching them before they become serious problems. I don’t want to say that I feel safe, but I feel safer than I have in previous RE games.
Dimitrescu herself only served as a minor irritation. She does a lot of damage, but her lack of speed makes it relatively easy to dodge her, a trait which extends to her boss fight despite a radical transformation.
Oh well. One lord souls has been placed into the Lordvessel. Three more and we can finally fight Gwyn at the Kiln of the First Flame.
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