Now that we’ve freed some slaves, perhaps Acharky and I can enlist of locals to help us in our own quest on behalf of The Order.
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One of the topics we discuss in this episode is the setting, and how it relates to the parkour. Specifically, this is a time period sprawling cityscape didn’t yet exist in America. The nation we know today was still nothing more than a series of British colonies, and as a result they were still being developed.
We did not have large castles and tall buildings to climb over, parkour across, and synchronize with. Up until this game, that sense of verticality was central to the experience of Assassin’s Creed, and it’s absence is noticeable. Parkour is still an element. When we get to Ratonhnhaké꞉ton, we’ll see how it comes into play in new ways, but even then we’re much closer to the ground that we’ve been in previous games.
It’s one of those little things that causes me to question why colonialist America was chosen as a setting. I don’t know if I would call it a mistake, but I do wonder if there were better options available to Ubisoft at the time.
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