Our training under Achilles continues as Ratonhnhaké꞉ton is induced into the ways of the Assassin Order.
(This week’s audio is a huge step up from last week, but it appears I still have issues to debug with my audio balance post-restart. This is still not up to my standard of quality and I do apologize.)
Streamed at https://www.twitch.tv/newdarkcloud
While everyone is in a rush to call Assassin’s Creed 3 one of the worst games in this era of the franchise, including my co-host Acharky, it’s important to note that without this game, we would have never gotten Black Flag. This was Ubisoft’s first foray into ship combat, and the result was so successful that it spawned one of the popular games in the entire series to this day. (It also spawned Skull and Bones, but let’s focus on the successes instead.) Even other games from other companies, like the recent Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, take inspiration from what AC3 did.
And it’s easy to see why. This is one of those control schemes where they just happened to nail it perfectly on the first release. There was almost no need to make any changes to how it plays, because it did an excellent job selling the fantasy of engaging in thrilling ship-on-ship battles on the high seas. When combined with the excellent sound design of waves, cannon fire, and collisions between ships, the whole fantasy comes to life before our very eyes.
Sadly, I don’t know much of it we’ll do on screen since it’s mostly a side objective, but don’t mistake that for disinterest. Even now, I love these missions.
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