Our time with Ezio is over, but we have just one last piece of unfinished business to take care of before we can finish Assassin’s Creed: Revelations for good. Believe it or not, this game had post-release DLC.
And I’ve somehow convinced my old friend Acharky to join me as I replay it.
Streamed at https://www.twitch.tv/newdarkcloud
If you’re curious about Assassin’s Creed Embers, it’s still up on the official Assassin’s Creed YouTube channel. They included it as part of the Ezio trilogy, but I fear the YouTube copyright system and thus I will not be watching it for you. Still, I think it’s a solid conclusion to Ezio’s story and a worthwhile use of twenty minutes of your time.
On one hand, I can understand why a designer would want to use the same mechanics and setup for the Desmond section, and use them to explain Subject 16’s story. Using these abstracted spaces to represent important times in his life, supplemented with projections and voice over work, is an effectively way to make use of limited resources without having to render entire rooms and cityscapes. The brutalist architecture is relatively easy to implement, and naturally makes the player focus on more intentionally designed setpieces that break up the puzzles with important story beats.
Unfortunately, the Desmond sections were very boring and tedious, and that feeling ports over to this DLC. There’s simply no getting around how dull these rooms look, and the puzzles inside of them, while harder than Desmond’s material, are still so simple that I don’t feel as if my brain is being stimulated.
It’s just not fun, nor compelling. And there’s no way around that.
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