“What a Terrible Accident” Let's Play Dishonored: Part 10: The Interrogation
“What a Terrible Accident” Let's Play Dishonored: Part 9: The Abduction
“What a Terrible Accident” Let's Play Dishonored: Part 8: The Floodlights
“What a Terrible Accident” Let's Play Dishonored: Part 7: The Twins
“What a Terrible Accident” Let's Play Dishonored: Part 6: The Heir to the Throne
“What a Terrible Accident” Let's Play Dishonored: Part 5: The High Overseer
Disclosure Alert: Alpha Protocol: Episode 24: Russian to Rome
Before I begin the post for today’s episode, anaphysik reminded me that I never told you guys exactly why this week’s section was so late. Sure, a lot of that 4 weeks time could be blamed on Aldowyn’s general laziness, but there was another, dumber reason.
You see, we had actually met with Ringwraith on Skype for two recording sessions. Why two, I hear my hypothetical inquisitive audience ask? Well, Aldowyn forgot to save at the end of our session with Irridium. This would normally be a non-issue, because the game auto-saves your progress. However, Aldowyn decided that he would play a little bit of Alpha Protocol on the side, accidentally overwriting the auto-save.
When we began the session with Ringwraith, we learned that we had to painstaking redo every friggin’ mission in Moscow up to just before the embassy. Because we had to recreate the situation we ended off on with Irridium, we ended up having to reload a few times as well. It was a fun hour, but it meant we had to meet again next week to record the actual session. Coupled with a few communication issues (mostly my fault, admittedly), that meant this batch was fairly aggravating. With that said:
The reason we ended up replaying THIS boss fight is a combination of several factors. One, we were unsatisfied with the outcome in which we missed out the aftermath mission in Moscow that can occur if you get enough intel on Brayko and/or Surkov. This was when we discovered we screwed that up well before starting this session.
Second, Skype kicked all of us during Leland’s interrogation as you saw previously. In order to avoid the auto-save screwing things up, anaphysik told Aldowyn to kill the process. Luckily, we only had to redo the boss fight because of some quick thinking. Still, compounded with the screw ups described above… I don’t speak for the others, but I was getting pretty pissed off by this point. Hopefully, it doesn’t show too much in the episode.
The mission we missed is a pretty critical one too. If you have enough dossier information, Brayko will tell you the Surkov screwed him over and is Halbech’s primary contact in the area. From here, the player can meet up with him and confront him with this fact. In can result in many different scenarios depending on Mike’s reputation with those involved, including an uneasy alliance with Surkov, execution of both him and his bodyguard at either your’s or Brayko’s, and grievous physical injury. Without that mission, this whole arc kinda feels incomplete.
(For your viewing pleasure: I have opted to include the Moscow ending we were going for immediately below this line:)
When you choose to make a deal with Brayko, he gives you a sound system that can only be played in the Moscow hub. This sucks because once you finish Moscow and move onto another hub, you can never return. I played on console and used it a few times. However, everyone I’ve spoken to who played on PC had a glitch where the sound system wouldn’t play. I suspect that it has something to do with the port job, but can’t confirm. Those of you watching this who choose to strike a deal with Brayko, can you please comment to tell me which system you played AP on and whether or not the sound system glitched on you so that I might have more data points?
And now we’re at Rome: The last of the three hubs. I can’t wait to show you out next batch of episodes. They were fun to record and we hope they are fun to watch. As for what I did when we touched down in Rome… I regret nothing.
Disclosure Alert: Alpha Protocol: Episode 23: It's Not Your Vault
In this episode, we continue our siege on Brayko’s mansion while anaphysik continues to speak in his native accent. At the same time, Ringwraith insists on faking a British accent. What a jerk!
Anaphysik makes a great point when it comes to the reference to “The Outsiders”. Considering the kind of attention to detail that I’m used to from Obsidian, it’s odd that they include this little reference to that book without actually doing much of anything with it. Brayko’s self-styled band and the protagonist’s group from the book have very few things in common. I wouldn’t expect Brayko to understand the subtleties, but I would expect Obsidian to. It would’ve been interesting if Mike had some sort of dialog option that eludes to some comparison between them, either subverted or played straight, just to make use of the little detail. If it’s just there to show Brayko’s comic ineptitude when it comes to understanding things, then I’d like to have something to point it out. As it stands, it seems like the writers just remembered about it and thought to include a reference to the work in their game.
One thing I’d like to note is that we got Championchik’s Secret Fact… without ever having met him or even getting a single document on him. This means that we can’t view it since we have no file on him. If we didn’t play this game before and met him, we’d basically be going “Cool, we got Championchik’s secret fact! Wait, WHO THE FUCK IS CHAMPIONCHIK!?”
I like how Obsidian decided to include a vault as a way of tying Alpha Protocol into the Fallout series. I’m surprised though, how would Brayko have been involved with Vault-Tec? Did he know about their plans to experiment on vault dwellers? If so, did he allow them to do it willingly or was he coerced by them? It’s a great leap for both this game’s and Fallout’s canon, but it raises so many questions.
It really is bizarre that the game gives you the choice to execute SIE/Albatross if you choose to save them. Mostly because in order to do so, you’d need to willing choose to abandon the vault data to kill them yourself instead of having Brayko do it for you. This is incredibly petty, even for an aggressive Thorton. I’m not complaining, since the choice still allows for more role-playing possibilities, but honestly anyone who chose it for any reason other than role-play is dumb.
Brayko’s boss fight sucks… unless you’re playing as a Veteran on Easy. I remember playing through my first time on Hard: This is the exact opposite of fun. I hated Turn Up the Radio for weeks just because of that boss fight. People complain about his ridiculous coke-fueled CQC attacks which give him huge defense, but on Hard he’s even FASTER, so dodging him is very difficult. Again, the boss fights are so bad in this game. It’s shocking how much this real-world spy thriller can be a typical 90s video game.
Disclosure Alert: Alpha Protocol: Episode 22: "Tank You!" "Don't Mansion It"
This episode is filled to the brim with explosions, punching, shooting, and punching while shooting. Needless to say, Aldowyn has abandoned any notion of being “discreet”.
I love how Albatross and SIE emphasize to different approaches to the same mission, even if the missions themselves don’t change. The entrances to the mansion mission really show off how one is more subtle while the other is more reckless. Choosing between multiple handlers can easily work, but it’s a shame that the game only uses that concept so many times and often leaves you with Mina. (Random fact: The conversation between Mike and Mina, regardless of which person you chose to go with, is the exact same. It’s just that with Albatross, he and G22 are sniping the guards while SIE… you know.)
Skype is… okay. It generally works fine, but unless your connection is excellent, it has a terrible tendency to occasionally drop calls. Since a few members, particularly me, have poor connections, dropping calls is fairly common for us. Unfortunately, this time Aldowyn’s connection was the one that went (which is exceedingly rare), which is a problem since HE’S recording the Skype call. It resulted in a bit of a clusterfuck as far as our session went. Not the first time, and doubtless it won’t be the last. Thought you all might appreciate a window into how we record this show. Thankfully, Aldowyn had the common sense to edit it down a bit.
We were talking about the choice to save Albatross/SIE in this mission. It makes sense to have that choice if you choose SIE, since she’d no doubt lead the charge. The thought that it should’ve been Sis instead of Albatross makes sense, but I have to assume they didn’t do that because Sis could potentially be dead at that point in the story. We’ll talk more about that choice when it comes up later. Yes, it’s stupid