Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Part 6-3
The Parrot!
If you have not seen any of the many “Real Lawyers React to Phoenix Wright” stuff floating around YouTube, I do at least recommend this compilation video of those various channels reacting to this scene, just because of how many of them lose their minds almost instantly. It’s important to remember that this game’s legal system isn’t a one-to-one recreation of any one legal system, but since the developer is Japanese they are more likely to borrow from what they know. As long as we know this is all in good fun, it’s okay to playfully riff on some of the odder aspects of the rules here.
And immediately afterward, the true finale commences. As always, the development team deftly weaves every element and detail they’ve seeded into a stunning finale. That big reveal that Von Karma was the one who killed Edgeworth’s father, the culmination of all those threads, is so satisfying.
Next time, we take this case, and this game, all the way to the finish line.