Jak 3 - Part 4-2
In this episode, two of the worst gimmicks in Jak 3 make their presence known. Fortunately, both of them have the good sense to make their segments short so that we don’t grow overly tired of them.
Someone in chat compared that turret/vehicle escort mission to the Alchemist from Spyro 2, in the way that both of them take the most obtuse, unnecessarily long routes they possibly can to get to their final destination. I’ve never agreed more vigorously with somebody in my life. As for the Dark Titan section in the ship, I didn’t like using that machine in Jak II, and I especially don’t like using it now.
At least after those missions, we get a solid platforming level with light combat to break things up. I’m still not sure why Errol is so gung-ho about killing everyone, but I guess he was always a psychopath so it doesn’t matter.
This was the era of video games where we still didn’t take plot and story too seriously, so it’s important to not be too harshly critical when plot points don’t make sense. The gameplay of the PS2-era platformers always took priority.
Thankfully, Jak 3 plays well enough that it can overcome all of the shortcomings of the story.