Lucky for us, we killed the Regenerador before it became a serious problem. Unlucky for us, there’s more where he came from.
But we need to help Ashley, so David Phillips and I just need to deal.
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Thankfully, you don’t come to this channel for skilled gameplay, because if that were the case then you’d be sorely disappointed. At least we didn’t die too often, and made solid progress.
We’re in the home stretch of our campaign, and the end is in sight. All we need to do is catch up with Ashley, remove the parasite, and bring her home.
And David Phillips and I will take down any fool that gets in our way.
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No matter what Resident Evil game we play, there will always be this point. Eventually, as we build up our resources and arsenal, the game shifts away from being a horror game and moves closer to being a third-person shooter. No matter what, this will happen to every game in the franchise.
This one is no exception, and we’re now at that point. Though ammo is still a concern, as you’ll see later on, this is the point where we’re expected to have a robust enough arsenal to take on any foe, no matter how challenging.
I guess it’s true: One should never bring a gun to a knife fight. In each of the past three episodes, David Phillips and I have faced an encounter against a powerful enemy or group of enemies. We even faced two of them in the last episode.
And this one will be no different than the others.
Perhaps it was overkill to bring the Magnum into this fight against Napoleon. In fairness though, we don’t really have many other occasions to use it and the ammo is otherwise just taking up space in my inventory.
Either way, our foe has been bested and we’re off to the final map of the game to rescue Ashley once more. I don’t know if we can beat Resident Evil 4 in the next batch of episodes, but we’re going to give it the old college try.
I’m of course aware of the QTEs in the original Resident Evil 4, despite never playing it. It may not have been the game to pioneer the concept of Quick-Time Events, but it was the one that popularized them for that generation of video games and the one immediately preceding it before they were eventually phased out. What I wasn’t aware of was how this fight against Major Beta-Male was originally just a long QTE.
And while I can’t say I would necessarily object to a QTE here, I also can’t help but be grateful that this modern remake is free of them. They gave way to quite an entertaining boss fight with Krauser, where we have to use our knives and melee to do the bulk of the work. After all, guns are too slow in close quarters.
We don’t really have a lot of chances to make use of the parry mechanic in a normal run, but here it’s given center stage as the primary focus of how we stagger the boss to get in a good hit. It’s not difficult, but it is immensely satisfying.
We’ve done it. David Phillips and I survived the most difficult encounter in all of Resident Evil 4. At this point, we have nothing to fear, and no enemy will frighten us.
This is definitely a phrase that won’t come back to bite me.
It might not seem like given me reactions on stream, but I actually have a lot of fun with these horror game segments where we just have to stall for time against a powerful enemy while our escape route is being prepared for us. Though it is certainly possible to fight off this particular enemy, I was not going to waste the ammo necessary to do it when there’s no material benefit.
There’s fun in confidently walking around and passed this terrorizing menace because we know its patterns, and can abuse them to keep ourselves safe for the duration of the encounter. Turning a monster into a routine is a powerful act, even in the confines of a video game.
This is the second time David Phillips and I’ve lost the young woman we’re supposed to be escorting out of this hellhole. We really need to stop doing that.
But that’ll have to wait until after we’ve got her back.
It might not seem like it, but this episode contains the most challenging part of the entire game. Nothing quite compares to having two giant brutes with knives for hands charging at us if we so much as sneeze in their general vicinity.
I didn’t have as many explosives on me in my original run as I did on this one, so I died a lot to that encounter. On their own, the big guys wouldn’t be too much of an issue. But the never-ending horde of zombies that spawn into the room with them makes it difficult to stay quiet because they need to be managed and most weapons in Resident Evil 4 are very, very loud.
Believe me when I say I am grateful it only took a few tries to get it right.
This entire section of the game does much to slowly build up Ashley’s confidence and capabilities. All of the puzzles require her and Leon to work as a team to solve them. Even when Leon is fighting, like against the armored parasites, she’s working in the background to help him out.
It culminates in a strong section where we play as her without Leon’s help, and she has to outwit the monsters in her way if she wants to free him. I like this section a lot as a small capstone towards our deuteragonist’s character growth.
Oh no. Ashley’s run away after being mind controlled into attacking us. David Phillips and I can’t leave without her, so we had best get moving.
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Props should go both to Ashley and Leon’s respective voice actors for their performances in this game. The two of them have a lot of chemistry and naturally play off each other. For a franchise that almost prides itself on a B-movie aesthetic, I can’t help but admire the character work.
And in the next episode, that same character work pays off nicely.
We’re one boss fight and a few combat encounters into this castle, and we’re still some distance away from the courtyard. Luckily, David Phillips and I are more than capable of taking on whatever Napolean sends our way.
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What I appreciate most about this section of the game is the way they frame Ashley as a vital companion that Leon needs in order to keep going against all of these hordes. While she can’t and doesn’t fight, she’s helpful in her own way, able to get to places that Leon himself simply can’t on his own.
I can’t speak for her portrayal in the original game, but in this remake, I grew quite fond of the character over the course of the campaign, and this is largely why.
With no better options for us, David Phillips and I have a castle that we need to explore in order to get our cure for the parasite and secure our escape route.
What could possibly go wrong aside from all the other things that have gone wrong?
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I can already see the early advantage my advanced armory gave me at the start of this run slipping away while enemies gradually escalated in power level. It doesn’t help that this is roughly the midpoint, and the game has fully loosened the valves as far as ammo and resources are concerned. Our ability to fight back is still tightly controlled.
And it’s even worse when one random mini-boss’s attack patterns insist on screwing us at every possible opportunity. I’m slightly embarrassed the fight took as long as it did, but a win is still a win.