Uncharted 2 - Part 2-1
For a couple of ordinary thieves with no special training, we’re doing a swell job mowing down hundreds of Russian(?) soldiers working for a murderous psychopath.
Hopefully, this means absolutely nothing bad will happen on our way to Shambala.
At last, we have reunited with the most important person to ever walk into Nathan Drake’s life: Cameraman Jeff. While Elena Fisher is a capable and resilient journalist, truly it is Cameraman Jeff that saves the day where no one else can. I’m sure given that we only just met Cameraman Jeff, he’ll have a long and healthy future in the Uncharted series. He may even become a franchise staple.
On a more serious note, it’s clear playing this immediately after Jak II that Naughty Dog learned their lesson from that miserable love triangle they tried to establish between Keira, Ashlin, and Jak. Here, it comes off as more natural, given what we know about all three characters. In that introduction, we learned that Drake dumped Chloe and that she still has feelings for him. And given where Nate and Elena were relationship-wise at the end of Drake’s Fortune compared to where they are now, it’s clear that the two of them went their separate ways, and it’s not too hard to guess who dumped who, given that Elena seems to have a far more stable life than Nate does.
It organically sets up this narrative, which we’ll slowly start to build on, that Chloe starts feeling jealousy toward Elena. And while she won’t act on it, it starts to eat away at her.