A Quick Run - Shovel Knight Dig
I’ve played more than a few roguelikes, and game modes inspired by them, in my time. Though I would hardly call myself an expert on the genre, I’m always on the lookout for another one that can satisfy me while I listen to a podcast or talk on a Discord call.
And as someone who has played and loved Yacht Club’s Shovel Knight, the idea of translating those mechanics into a roguelike is enough to get my foot in the door.
I admit, when I first attempted to play the game for about an hour prior to stream, I was pretty lukewarm to cold. It’s not that I hated it, but more than I wasn’t sure it was what I was looking for. In general, I dislike being placed under a time limit. I enjoy being able to take my time when I feel the need to, so having a death trap pursue me if I take too long to progress deeper isn’t appealing on the surface.
And yet, during the stream, as I began to get my bearings and understand a bit more about what was going on mechanically, I felt myself enjoying the game more and more, even if vocally I was still expressing skepticism. What can I say? Sometimes I’m just stubborn that way and need more time to process my feelings about what I’m playing.
I’m still learning, having only progressed as far as the second stage, but I feel like if I keep at it I will be able to make it deeper, and more consistently. They did a great job translating Shovel Knight into a roguelike, and he still looks fantastic.