Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves - Part 1-3
Our plan to sabotage Octavio and restore the waters of Venice from heavily polluted back to merely highly polluted is proceeding apace. If we keep at it, then The Murray will be back with us in no time.
I played pretty poorly in this episode, but in my defense, I didn’t sleep a wink the night before. As a result, I was completely out of it.
Still, possibly another benefit to losing clue bottles is that the system of dialing in safe combinations had a chance to be repurposed in these little segments where we need to find the safe combination in paintings. It’s small, but it helps sell the fantasy of being cool, suave international thieves.
It’s also worth pointing out how well the team at Sucker Punch handled the fact that one of the core three members of the Cooper Gang is now disabled. They don’t make any efforts to dance around it, or the events that lead up to it and how both those things have impacted him, but nor do they dwell on it. It’s just a part of Bentley’s history at this point, and it’s something he’s quickly come to terms with. Arguably, with the improvements he makes to his wheelchair over the course of the game, he’s more capable now than he was back when he could walk on two legs. And over the game’s story, we’ll see more of him and how comfortable he’s become despite his circumstances.
I’m not among the disabled community, so I can only speak on that based on what I can observe. However, given the fact this was a 2005 game, it’s pleasantly surprising to see them tackle this subject with nuance.