The Dark Duo Plays - The Quarry - Part 3
Our camp counselors are still alive, at least for now. We’ve at last encountered the many threats that we’ll be confronted with in the woods this night. From monstrous creatures of the night to the people hunting them, our adversaries are out hunting.
As apparently, so are we. Let’s just hope that Acharky and I haven’t led our charges to their doom.
One of the fun aspects of incorporating “standard” movie monsters in your work, like vampires or werewolves, is establishing the “rules” that they’re governed by. There are always subtle differences between how one work handles its monsters compared to another. For example, the werewolves in this world explode out of their human skin and can’t cross stagnant water. The rules themselves don’t matter too much, what matters is that whatever rules get established get adhered to.
This was also a very significant episode as far as establishing those rules go. We know who the werewolves are and how to stop others from transforming into them. All that remains is to capitalize on our newfound knowledge.
And with luck, we’ll finish the adventure next week and get back to our classic platforming pals!