In League with the Legends - Time Wizards
It’s been almost exactly one month since we’ve last graced the world of Runeterra. Conveniently for us, we’re decided to dip our tops back into the well just in time for a new mini-expansion to hit, and with it new champions and play patterns to test.
Though out of the 3 new champions, there was only one I was interested in build around: Ekko. I’ve been trying to make the Predict deck a thing since Zilean dropped, and now he’s got the perfect partner.
What I was most amazed by in this deck is how much value I gained from Ekko, both in the frequency of attacks and the number of cards I was able to draw off of him.
Although I lost it, the match we had against my friend’s Nasus/Kindred deck is a great example of what the deck wants to do. Ekko creates a ton of support cards that both accumulate card advantage while allow us to continuously attack and clear away our opponent’s board while we regenerate our own.
Despite the tremendous value Nasus was able to create, thanks in part to the late game Overgrown Snapvines, Wyvrn was overwhelmed by our countless assaults. When we have a Chronobreak in hand, we can completely negate the risk involved in being aggressive by rewinding the clock to before we attacked. And it we get a Parallel Convergence off of his Called Shot signature spell, that further increases our offensive.
And Zilean, once he levels up, even furthers out capabilities by allowing us to reuse every spell we play. Combined with the Chronobreaks and Called Shots, this number of uses we have out of each card will let us get the most value out of our low mana curve.
The real weakness is that Ekko is extremely easy to kill, so this deck needs cards like Ancient Hourglass to keep him safe. That was the big issue I encountered in testing prior to the stream, and I’m glad there are some good answers in Shurima to help with that.
I’m still not sold on Lurk as an ability, but I’m open to being wrong. It just seems like there are better things to do with our mana/cards then set our top deck, especially with something as bad as Feral Prescience. It did better than I expected, but I still don’t think it’s good.